Saturday, July 9, 2016

Change is a wonderful thing.

A friend called me an author the other day.  It sounded strange, foreign. In my head, I've always thought of myself as a teacher. I guess my life as a teacher is in my past because I now have four books published and in print. I have contracted with my publisher ( for three more.

I spent twenty years as an English teacher, and another ten years as a high school counselor. Truth be known, even as a counselor, I still felt like a teacher. I liked that feeling.

Three months after retiring, I got an idea for a story. I started writing it without any idea that it might turn into a whole book. I had no expectation that it would ever be published. Mira is that first book. That first story that I wanted to tell.

Within a year, I had a three-book series done. The only ones who read it, the only ones who even knew I was writing it, were my two sisters. They loved it and talked me into submitting it to publishers. Finding a publisher is not an easy task, but that's a story for another day.

I guess I am an author. I tweet, post on Facebook, and blog. I do book signings. I visit bookstores. Mainly, I keep writing. No longer the teacher that I always loved being, but a little part of my heart is still in the classroom
Change is a wonderful thing, but sometimes it just creeps up on you and takes you by surprise.